Tsuneo Kinjo
Goju-ryu /Jundokan /9th Dan

・Shihan of Jundokan Honbu dojo
・Vice chairman of Okinawa Karate and Kobudo Federation

Tsuneo Kinjo

Tsuneo Kinjo Sensei was born in 1953 in Shuri, Naha City. He is a Hanshi 9th Dan. In 1971, Kinjo Sensei went to Hawaii which is where he studied under Masatami Tokumura, before his return to Okinawa in 1975 to train under Eiichi Miyazato at the Jundokan. Currently being a Grand Master of the Jundokan and fluent in English, Kinjo Sensei teaches Goju-ryu to Japanese and foreign karatekas at the dojo headquarters. Kinjo Sensei also travels to place in Japan and overseas several times every year to teach. And because of Kinjo Sensei’s personality and karate techniques, he has many supporters domestically and overseas. Kinjo Sensei is currently the Vice Chief Director of the Okinawa Karate Kobudo Federation.

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